Friday, December 19, 2014

Tech News 2Night!

I recently watched an episode of Tech News 2night on This was the first time I have ever watched one of their videocasts and I found it to be very interesting. This was episode #236 with anchor, Sarah Lane, who discussed a number of topics including the $1 Billion Apple iTunes lawsuit, and a dog now able to run because of 3D printed prosthetic legs. In this blog I will give a brief overview of the topics discussed.

Sarah Lane started off talking about Samsung launching its own mobile pay system, obviously in competition with Apple pay. According to Sarah's research, this may not be as successful as Samsung is hoping it to be. Apple has already partnered with numerous banks allowing their customers to use Apple pay. Personally, I think Samsung has no choice but to start offering a mobile pay system, in order to stay in competition with Apple. Maybe they will have some appealing features that Apple has not yet come up with to entice buyers.

The biggest topic covered was the $1B iTunes lawsuit. The verdict was in Apple's favor, and they were accused of creating an illegal monopoly on digital music because customers could not play music on their iPods not bought from the iTunes store. This lawsuit has been going on for almost a decade and it has finally been put to an end. Since this lawsuit went in motion Apple has now allowed its users to put music on their phone that isnt necessarily from the iTunes music store.

There is also talk of Bose creating its own music streaming service. According to the show, Apple actually sold Bose products in it's stores. And since finding out about this information that they are launching their own music streaming service, Apple has removed all of its products from its stores. It appears that Apple doesn't like the idea so much and has discontinued its partnership with Bose. Their isn't anything official out yet about the new streaming system, but based on Apples actions it looks like the rumor might be true. If you want to watch this episode of Tech New 2Night, you can right here!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How Two Companies Utilize Social Media

Social media is rapidly growing and every day more and more people are using them, for all sorts of reasons. A lot of people use them recreationally to keep up with their peers and loved ones from all over the world. Then there's the business world, where companies use social media to promote their products and keeps consumers informed and excited about them! I did a little research on two companies and in this blog I'll tell you what I found.

The first company I researched is Urban Outfitters. For those who have never heard of this company, they are a clothing store catering to the urban community, hence its name. I happened to be already following them on Twitter, so I already seen sort of how they used social media for their company. They use it primarily for promotional purposes, definitely. They are always posting promotional offers, along with pictures of people modeling their clothing. Also, they show sneak peeks of upcoming lines of clothing they are releasing for the different season collections. Their audience is most likely teenagers, all the way up to people in their mid to late 20s.

The second company I looked into was Hot 97, which is a hip-hop radio station based in New York. They are constantly keeping their consumers up-to-date with hot, new hip-hop music and fun facts & info about celebs. They are one of the most popular hip-hop radio stations in the nation. They have live interviews almost daily with current artists in the industry, and they are recorded and posted online for all those to see who missed it. They also have some celebs do in-studio performances, and even call some of its listeners. They post pictures with celebrities and also promotes their newest music right on twitter! And sometimes, they even expose the new industry gossip and get the artist in personally and interview them on it for the inside scoop! Their audience is definite
ly all the fun loving hip-hoppers out there!

Social Media is brilliant for businesses and companies in our times! Such an efficient way to reach people, and promote your products. You are able to reach a whole audience of people out there that traditional marketing just doesn't anymore. The world is moving forward, and so should you! More and more people are using social media as their primary news source, with good strategy and consistency, you're golden!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Why am I at MATC?

Well, honestly attending MATC was never in my plans when I was deciding on a college to attend. My dream was to go to a nice 4-year university to obtain my Bachelor's, get a nice job & then happily ever after. It started off that way, I began my first year of college at UW-Milwaukee in fall of '13, same year I graduated high school. Even though my home is literally less than 15 minutes away from the campus by car, maybe even 10 if I'm breaking the law to get there, I just had to get the full college experience which means living on campus! I did. Things started off fine, then slowly I began to not focus on school work and not to attend class. That lack of guidance from a parent had me going down a very dark road. I ended up getting kicked out of school, for reasons that I won't discuss at this moment, after the fall semester.

At that point it was too late for me to register for another college to try and do a spring semester somewhere else, so I had to deal with not being in school for the whole semester. That hurted me a lot more than I thought it would. I go on my social networks and see all my friends prospering, and I was just sitting. I was looking for a new school to attend for the following fall semester, when I had a talk with my cousin which is a professor at MATC! She talked to me about all the great programs that they offered from 2-year degrees to technical diplomas. In the future I want to eventually obtain a Bachelor's so I thought a 2-year Associates' degree program was the way to go, and MATC so happened offered what I wanted to study! IT Networking!

So, she helped me get all signed up and registered for school, helped me put together a schedule and here I am! I'm actually enjoying the school a lot more than I thought I would! Also to try and make up a little for the whole year I wasted, I took a couple classes this past summer there and earned myself 6 credits. :) And I did very well in those courses; I plan to continue the streak through my whole time here and maybe transfer out of state to a university to finish up. It feels good to be back on track, and I look forward to an exciting two years here at MATC!